Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Actorfest NY Report

My experience at Actorfest on October 2nd, 2010 in NYC--
Must toot my own horn—the panel I was on, “Working With Representation: Getting An Agent Or Manager” was sold out.

Thanks to my colleagues, great actors, casting directors and staff at Actorfest. I had an excellent time. It was great to see and meet you all.

A special shout out to Simi Horwitz—Thank you for discovering me!

Shout out to my new pal, Eddie Rabin--the best piano man accompanist in all of NYC.

Dave Clemmons--you are Musical Theatre heaven--what you don't know about it hasn't been written yet.

I met some crazy talented, dedicated and cheery people. It has renewed my faith in what I do.

Thanks, gang!